

Cántame la canción que me libere.
Y cuéntame un cuento.
Uno, donde nadie se acomode,
donde el amor llegue lento,
detrás del respeto.
Pasos que acaricien la alegría
de alcanzarte.
Que suave, se apoderen de la risa,
de la melodía de ser libres y completos.
me contaron un cuento antiguo,
uno que ya no existe
rancio y verde.
La condena que enloquece a Cenicienta.
¿Dónde están las perdices,
que no quiere la princesa?
Yo no quiero un príncipe encantado
quiero encantarme con el príncipe.
Me voy de este cuento...

Dejar ir

Al dejar ir de mi mente pensamientos antiguos,
dejo ir de mi corazón emociones viejas.
Dejar ir lo viejo hace espacio para lo nuevo.
Una taza no puede llenarse de
nuevo a menos que se vacíe primero.
 Este día brinda la oportunidad de vaciar la taza,
de dejar ir lo que no contribuye al bienestar.
Dejar ir lo antiguo facilita desprenderse
de todo aquello de lo cual deseamos liberarnos…
Así esta nueva libertad,
no sólo alegra el liberarse de lo antiguo,
sino también el poder acoger pensamientos,
condiciones nuevas y mejores que
me ayudan a crecer más …


At some point

There's a quiet sadness living inside you, elegantly hide behind your smile. That sadness is lost hope, in humanity. As much as you try to look back in time and figure out when and with whom it started to fade, you can't. And you come to realize that maybe you never had hope at all. Maybe you have been living everyday of your life waiting for someone to awaken that hope, but as always, within time... people took off their masks and there was no hope behind it.


Waiting for a start

I have always, essentially, been waiting. Waiting to become something else, waiting to be that person I always thought I was on the verge of becoming, waiting for that life I thought I would have. In my head, I was always one step away. In high school, I was biding my time until I could become the college version of myself, the one my mind could see so clearly. In college, the post-college “adult” person was always looming in front of me, smarter, stronger, more organized. Then the married person, then the person I’d become when I'd have kids. The the person I'd become after surviving this horrible divorce. The person I'll become once I shed my old skin. Waiting to see what will be of my heart after it has fallen into the wrong hands. Waiting to see if someone worthy of my love, would realize that I too am truly worthy of being loved. God knows I am tired of being used and drained and I pour my soul into people and their dreams and all they need from me, only to still be alone and live life alone and struggle alone? I have given my love to the point of running on empty. Yet... my heart keep loving and I keep pushing and I keep hoping, because I, am, waiting...

And through all that waiting, here I am. My life is passing, day by day, and I am waiting for it to start. I am waiting for that time, that person, that event when my life will finally begin. I love movies about “The Big Moment” the game or the performance or the wedding day or the record deal, the stories that split time with that key event, and everything is re-framed, before it and after it, "because it has changed everything". I have always wanted this movie worthy event, something that will change everything and grab me out of this waiting game into the whirlwind in front of me. I cry and cry at these movies, because I am still waiting for my own big moment. I had visions of life as an adventure, a thing to be celebrated and experienced, but all I was doing was going to work and coming home, and that wasn’t what it looked like in the movies.

John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” For me, life is what was happening while I was busy waiting for my big moment. 

Life is a collection of a million, billion moments, tiny little moments and choices, like a handful of luminous, glowing pearl. It takes so much time, and so much work, and those beads and moments are so small, and so much less fabulous and dramatic than the movies. But this is what I’m finding, in glimpses and flashes: this is it. This is it, in the best possible way. That thing I’m waiting for, that adventure, that move score worthy experience unfolding gracefully. This is it. Normal, daily life ticking by on our streets and sidewalks, in our houses and apartments, in our beds and at our dinner tables, in our dreams and prayers and fights and secrets, this pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience.

Far too long have I waited, have I been patient, I have allowed time to slip by... It's time to not worry about where is that moment that changes everything, but focus on this moment being the reason I become the one who changes everything!

Chin Up says Marilyn ;)

"This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world.  

As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. If you quit you'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. 
 Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." - Marilyn Monroe


A tired heart

Somehow this tired heart drained of hope,
drained from life
and beat down from being used,
found peace and trust in "you"

One of the weirdest calculation of life is that we always meet the right people

Good people positively influence our lives while the so called bad ones motivate us to towards the right things.Its pretty uncanny but life has delved within me a degree of understanding in this last one year of life. I don't repent for the flaws I made .

I don't applaud myself on my achievements (Because only I truly know how many times I failed to achieve "one"). But still even when I haven't succeeded as much as I have tried, at least I tried! This phase of life has been one of the most meaningful one for me. I got reintroduced to submerged parts of me, saw people against their painted faces, underwent situations way beyond my perceptual imagination and  gave birth to the word weaver in me!

So in one way wrong things pave our paths for a better life. If we always got what we wanted we wouldn't grow beyond our very own comfort zone. Almighty decodes us to the very extreme, then gives us a horizon to witness the Gem in us.

So, don't think and lament you met the wrong people, encountered wrong things and have been victimized in  wrong instances and  simply let go and rediscover yourself!

Rediscover YOURSELF

You went to school and studied a particular trade to earn a living or to actualise a personal or family dream. You have recently been laid off and you are finding it difficult to get employed. Being laid off or losing your job does not always need to be bad news. This could herald new beginnings for you if you let it. A job in reality is a means to and end and should never define you.
At this time, you may need to really look at your life and identify things about you that will help you in your next chapter of life. A farmer plants the seed expecting a harvest. Before a harvest the farmer must prune and get rid of the weed on the farm that may interfere with the harvest. Start thinking like a farmer and ask yourself what kind of a farmer you are

Conducting a personal Inventory
1) Identify your personal character strengths which may include ability to listen well, analytical, sympathetic, compassionate, communcation skills, among others. Be honest, this is you being true to yourself not a woo to a prospective  employer.
2) Identify your natural abilities and traits emphasizing what you feel you were born with or have exhibited throughout your life.
3) List your educational or training experiences that have resulted in skills or information pertinent to the goals you are setting for yourself
4) Identify experiences that closely mirror the challenges represented by your new goal or vision
5) Name individuals who may be helpful to you as you attempt to reach your goal. We all need help to get to where we are going and this is the time to reach out to those who have made it where it is you want to go.
Conducting a personal inventory will help you know what “rocks” in your life need to be pulled out as they maybe blocking your growth. To cultivate land a farmer needs to clear the field which may include cutting down certain trees down. Decide for yourself what needs to be cleared in your life and what “trees” need to be felled.

Great achievers of our world choose three courses of action;
a) They find out what career is most rewarding and interesting to pursue in order to use their full potential. Do not go for a job just because of the money. Aim to actualise yourself through your work.
b) They sometimes find it necessary to go through several job changes and in the process test and discover new talents. Few people know who they are or what their purpose in life is. Testing different fields may sometimes be the only way to find yourself.
c) They use their jobs to develop their talents and potential. Aim to grow and develop areas in you that need developing or growth. 

To succeed in your Endeavour, engage in activities that will help you recognize your individual talents, abilities and opportunities for success. Associate with people who will encourage you toward and then applaud your accomplishments. No matter what you do or what position you occupy, give it your best effort because you are worth your best effort.

Remind yourself and believe that you can overcome the problem standing in your way of success because you can make a difference. Your healthy self esteem is vital to your ability to dream of success. Learn therefore to love yourself because in loving yourself you learn to love and give value to others.


Risk it all in the name of Success!

All the population of Earth may be divided into two categories: people who love various experiments and changes and those who don’t like to change anything in their life.

Even the smallest moments build your whole life. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your inner, even the smallest, desires and strive to realize them as often as possible. By doing this you are preparing yourself for big and important changes, undertakings and projects. By realizing your desires, you fill yourself with spiritual satisfaction, joy and optimism.

Try to get more, and then you’ll achieve what you want. Don’t underestimate your abilities, because in this life it’s better to overestimate them, rather than vice versa. Especially when it’s just trying. Because high self-esteem gives strength, confidence and willingness to act.

It is better to try and make sure that this or that doesn’t work and relax rather than later regret the missed opportunity. You should have a good opinion of your own skills because the positive assessment will push you to acquiring new knowledge and making new attempts to succeed. The fear of anything new is normal. It’s like a child’s fear of the dark room. You must enter and turn on the lights and make sure that nobody and nothing is wrong there. For example, if you want to write poems, write them, and take them to the editor of some magazine. And don’t be afraid! If they like it they’ll print it, if not, no problem. Try again.

Just try and don’t be afraid

Fear is only at the beginning. Napoleon once said: The main thing is to get involved in a fight, and then we’ll see.It’s difficult only to start and then everything will be OK!

Don’t listen to bad advisers. Your friends assure you that you have excess weight? And they advise you different diets and wearing special nasty clothes. Throw out those clothes and you’ll immediately feel your attractiveness. Such advice can completely discourage you and you’ll be afraid of any kinds of experiments. After all, everyone in the world has their own standards of beauty.

Develop your self-confidence and don’t be afraid to want too much.
Don’t miss a chance! In order to succeed, you should think over, prepare everything in advance and you shouldn’t miss a moment. Do not let anyone or anything knock you out of the saddle. Being on a horse is a much more pleasant thing. Stay away from everything negative, do not hesitate and do not retreat.
Be sure to get a result whatever it is, because a negative result is also the result of the action. If you suffered a failure don’t stop, find out what went wrong, what is the reason of that failure. Find it and avoid it on your next trip up hill.

Go ahead and try, change the world around and change yourself, be active and energetic, then you will never have a reason to regret the lost chance, to be sorry of what you could have made a difference in, but you didn’t.


Things changed

I’ve never been a woman that would admit to need. I've always been strong and determined to take care of myself. A perfectionist to my core with stubbornness in my veins. I’ve always made all my own decisions and relied on myself to solve every problem. I had no positive person in my life to fall back on. No one to give me advice without adding judgement or guilt and so I took care of myself, confided in no one, and internalized everything. But that all changed...

I find myself intoxicated by how safe and supported I feel now that I’ve got someone I can count on. Someone I can ask for help, get support from, lose control with. I’ve got someone that doesn’t judge me or make me feel guilty. I’ve got someone that doesn’t just love me, but treats me like someone that loves me and wants me to be a better person. Someone that builds me up and encourages me. So here I am, willingly abandoning all control to him and finding myself in need.

I need to be in his arms. I need that hug when I'm having a hard day, his breath in my ear whispering, “I'm here, your not alone .” I need to rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I need to feel his lips steal my unspoken secrets. Secrets that when I'm alone...keep me up at night.


Finding Nemo

Staring blankly at the ocean, knowing that there’s so many “fishes” out there but yet you can’t find one made just for you. You think you’ll never find someone, you think you’re going to be forever alone. No, You’re not.

The ocean might be big, but hey, do waves come to shore easily or all the time? No, it doesn't. It takes a few waves to get to shore. Love doesn’t come straight up to anyone. You have to give it time. You don’t need to rush anything. If something is bound to happen, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person and for the best reason. When it comes, you’ll know it not just because of who they will be to you, but also because of who you are to them.

As for now, just enjoy your life and the people around you. 
Be happy with what you have, and believe that better things come to those who wait. With waiting, you have more time to prepare yourself for a relationship, learn more about love, and find out who truly cares for you and who’s just going to use you, mislead you and break your heart. You’ll have more time to allow the perfect one destined for you, find you. let Love come and seek you. It will, maybe not now or in a year, or 2 years but one day it will come. And when it does, you will know why it took so long or why it never worked with anyone else. Why no one else saw that real, unconditional, passionate love lived in you... Trust that it will even be better than what you thought you wanted cause what God wants for you, is much better then you can imagine. Just be patient.


The Time Is NOW

Sometimes there is no next time,
no time outs,
and no second chances;
sometimes it’s now,
or never!

Life will break you

Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It’s the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself to rise...rise above it all and stand taller then ever before. NEVER GIVE UP!


Dear self,

Dear Self,

Please forgive me for failing to lead by example how you should be valued. Forgive me for not telling you that your giving too much of yourself to away until we are both reminded by the empty feeling left within us. I haven't always given you the best advice, but lets be honest here, when I have tried you have ignored my better judgement.
I want to cherish your beautiful soul and learn from your pensive way of looking at even the finest details. I sincerely want to be your best friend, but I don't know how. So for now please forgive me, because I want to genuinely love you. 

This time, lease don't let anything stand in the way of letting me finally embrace you for all that you are and so many (even me) have failed to see.


Tu determinación

Vale tanto tu determinación
como tu inteligencia.
No importa lo que te ocurra en tu vida,
porque tienes la capacidad de elegir tu reacción.
Así que busca lo positivo de cada situación
y ofrece lo mejor que hay dentro de ti.
Elige, busca, decide mirar y aprovechar sólo lo mejor.
Cuida y observa tus reacciones,
tu puedes elegir como reaccionar ante cada situación,
de ti depende.
Una buena enseñanza es eterna 
y su verdad es universal.
La magia siempre está en ti
La luz y el amor siempre están en ti

Love her, you only have one!




PEOPLE, Are the reason, I choose to live within my own mind.


Cover girl

 She stands tall in front of the mirror then gently brushes the hair out her face as she whispers to herself "show time".
As she parts on foundation to give her skin the glow it lost when she lost hope, she takes a deep breath and prepares to be strong for another day.

She applies eye shadow on to the eye lids that fought to hold back tears all night,
Traces her eyes with the eye liner to throw off any sing that they've ever cried. She slides on lip gloss to dress up her hidden frown

oh what a beautiful cover girl she is...
covering up her pain from the world
in this process of covering up she fails to see
that she sabotages the chance of anyone from truly knowing all that she is
only the strong will survive they say
so there is no time to have a moment of weakness
no time to be human
no time to wash off the mask and simply be me



I need to be transformed into a new woman. The woman I already am, but have no time for. I realize that Ive allowed too many voices to have authority over the direction of my life. I'd like to try something a little different. I'd like to really spend more time listening to myself and determining what I really want, void out the opinions of others. I spend so much time trying to please people and forgetting myself in the process of being distracted. I have spent so much time trying to please people and forgetting myself in the process of being distracted! I've spent so much time trying to fit everyone's needs into my schedule (which left little or no time for myself). The moment I do make time for myself, I find myself troubleshooting the attitudes of others because I'm not available.

I'm exhausted!!!

I recently had a emotional panic attack. It lasted a few minutes, but even 1 minute was too long (complete with hysteria, tears, snot and thinking that I was going to have a heart attack) because I was consumed with worry about how upset everyone ELSE was going to be because I need to stay goal focused for myself for a little while (at least). I mean God forbid, I'm unavailable at the snap of a finger. Right?! SMH  This episode took me by surprise, although I will say I felt it slowly rising for the past two days then all of a sudden it fell on me like a ton of bricks!
So, Enough's enough! For the next couple of days/weeks/months (whatever feels best) I'm going to focus on ME! When I feel the need to FOCUS, I will shut everything down. Cell phone and Computer OFF. Everything OFF! Prioritizing my life is must. Yet at any point of this flow, If I need to be with Me some more time, I must and I will!

Pray. Go to the Gym. Rest. Plan and action on this divorce, yes... I said divorce! Because it's like a dead body that is tied to me with a umbilical cord that has yet to be cut off! Finalize unfinished projects I started for myself like my book that I've been working on. So far I've finished chapter 1. I’ve got too many things in the works for myself to be distracted any longer. I have to make time for ME or I’ll be no good for anyone, not even myself if I don't do this!

The fact that I know I need to pull away and shut down means I’m already off to a good start. And even though I miss some of my closest friends in this walk, I’m trusting that after all I’ve given, a moment to myself can be respected. If not, then it's been nice knowing you... I’ve got to get myself together. My life and health are all off balance right now. Sometimes we get so distracted wanting someone near us, that we forget to enjoy our self.

I invite the Spirit of peace (Jehovah Shalon) to come into my spirit, heal my heart and clear mind. I need the Spirit of God to gently guide me. I need to go back to what has been the only true meaning of peace I have ever known. I encourage each of you to take a deep breath and moment out for yourself. Being a little selfish (with yourself) is a gift. 

Excuse me, while I take a moment to LIVE MY LIFE.



I have always had a deep interest in gender relations in how men and women interact with each other, their own gender, and themselves in the social constructs that we create on a personal and mass societal level. As a child I always found that I had very few females around me that I felt like I could trust. That I could depend on. I hardly landed in situations wherein I wasn’t being judged or that I could share my deepest secrets with another woman without it being exposed to the general public.
We as women are taught from our very beginnings to compete, to despise each other, to put each other (and ourselves) down, from our bodies to our intellect, at any cost. All in all, we are a nasty gender. I wish women would take the time to help build each other, instead of tearing down the gentle souls within that we hide so well behind this hard shell exterior we have masks ourselves with.

Unsuitable to date!

I recently had a long conversation with a friend about this label (although at the time we did not label it as I just did). You read that right: “Unsuitable to date.” It kinda smacks of psychology jargon, which is annoying. Think of the things that make people suitable. Okay. First, rule out anyone who exhibits signs of the “two A’s:” abuse and addiction. Look at the most important things in life - if you want to have children, and if so, how many. Religious beliefs (in some cases that is a big make or break). Political affiliation (if you even care) may play a part in things to a small degree. General lifestyle sensibilities - shared hobbies and activities, etc. The biggest “seal the deal” is incredible physical chemistry, and if you have this and everything else matches up perfectly ... whoa! Things like this should really “go.” They always have. And yet they don't "go" far at all in some cases. They blasted off the ground only to explode, midair, and fragment into tiny pieces, scattered everywhere. I’m sure if you look around you'll find millions of tiny pieces of hearts and dreams, you might even be stepping on mine. 
My dis-qualifiers, in theory, would be distance, not so much physical as emotional and mental. There has got to be something much deeper and greater pulling me toward a person other then the selected list of "qualifications". Most would say I think too much and expect too much. I have even been told "it doesn't exists". Now, before you go feeling sorry for me, let me tell you something: Anything can be found when you least seek it. My point is, the universe already knows what belongs together and what doesn't, so wait. With that being said, if the right person (your "the one") should come into your life, don't question the hows and whys, simply allow it to exist. If you and he/she want to be together no matter how many miles or obstacles are in between, you will. You know what I'm talking about, for example a person comes into your life and then vanishes and just as they vanished they reappear and so on and so on. The universe is making it so you both will at some point in time truly cross paths.

I consider myself a great communicator. I will tell you exactly how I feel and expect nothing less. Anything less makes me uncomfortable. I take what people tell me at face value,and what they don't say too. But I also look for how they use language to gain insight into their personality - semantics. It’s all about subtext. I hone in on phrases like “too far”, "not yet" and “too much time.” I note when practical thinking overrides intuition way too much. Picking up on unspoken cues is important, too (very....important). I see if someone is okay with waiting for a table at the restaurant, if they’re willing to park a mile away from the venue. I look for that endurance of will, that something that causes a person to go out of their way or wait a little while for something they really want. I notice how people react to being told something unpleasant - can they deal? Or do they close down? Convenience. 

A man’s least favorite word might be “compromise,” but mine is “convenience.” My forgettable relationships started out because of convenience and ended when it no longer was. There was a bleak attempt to make it work, but ... meh. It wasn’t the normal relationship arguments that shattered those relationships; it was because we never had that tight “got your back covered” bond to begin with that makes couples endure on both ends. So how did it last as long as it did? Temporal proximity engendered fondness. Habit. A past relationship that lasted way too long, that made me want to try, try, try, was birthed from a childhood need for stability (that's the real reason not the good reason) that I vowed to "make sure" my children would have at the cost of my very soul. Now looking back I see just how it did in fact cost me that and much more, because I was never...appreciated and was never genuinely happy. I was just happy the children were happy. I recall every new year telling myself Whoa... we (me, myself and i) made it though another year with him. I worked so hard to hold it all together just to make sure... the kids had daddy at home, but little did I know they had lost Mommy in the process because I was no longer alive. I was on auto pilot. Simple fact: You appreciate something a lot more if you work for it. So failed relationships build the foundation for the lasting love of your life. This was an important, if awkward, thing to learn. But I know it, and you know it. It's in the second half of my life that I have learned to appreciate the imperfections that make everything perfect

If someone is willing to go through hoops just to give me a hug when they sense I need it without a hint from me that would be one of the many ways I would notice their love for me. Or call me multiple times a day when they wish to physically be near me, then that is who I want to spend my time with! That is what makes him a part of my life and important to me. That to me is worth more then the white picked fence and big backyard that I once sold my soul for and have now given up on. This is the real world... so enough there is no time for fairy tales! Nothing is perfect, but is can be perfect in it's own way. Life is not a big fun park. Parents go. Health declines. Jobs are lost. If you are married or at least are blessed enough to have your "the one", one of you will outlive the other, and if you’re the unlucky survivor, you must put the person you loved in the ground. To love like that, you have to know that love will be impractical, inconvenient, and totally unpredictable; that is the very definition of life. (If you can navigate around this, more power to you.) You have to go a lot further than convenience allows, to truly love. You have to be headstrong and strong. 

I’ve reached a couple of conclusions during this foray into the soon forgotten: People want it, but don't dare have it, because they are lazy and cowards. A lot of them set themselves up for FAIL because they have all sorts of unimportant specifications they want their perfect person to meet, a short distance being one of the more irrelevant ones. Yet oddly enough, they will part company with their biggest “deal breakers” for the sake of not being alone. I think that people spend most of their life alone or with the person who doesn’t really “do it” for them and cheating because secretly their hearts long for more. They just won’t get out of the pattern of what "other people" expect from them in their life (ahhh who's life?...yours!). I am out that frame of mind ... Then there’s the most brutal aspect. Everyone has a good reason to be together, and then they have a real reason. As much as we can try to neutralize our instinct to fall in love, it’s in our nature. When you meet the right person (your "the one", you know it, and you can’t help it. You will climb a ladder all the way to the moon to fetch the beloved. But when will you take that chance? What does it take to wake you from the deep sleep of "expectation of others and responsibilities tied to others", that deep sleep with soft background music whispering the shudda, coulda, woulddas...and what ifs...? Quite simply, when we have strength and courage! I could ponder (as I have for about twenty five minutes while writing this): “Geez, what’s the next DO?” Will I be one inch too tall? Maybe my hair will be too light? or they'll find my oh so cute mole ugly?! Will I work in the wrong field? Will I be toO thick?...maybe too thin? What is the minutiae that I would have to eradicate from my life to conform to someone’s ideal? But I know it’s not really about these things, and if someone tells me that my importance to them has any correlation to my physical or proximity to their neighborhood for their convenience, I’m going to do a mental eye roll. It’s about being the 'Right One" for the person who is willing to do the daily labor of accepting my imperfect self and willing to run through hoops to do it without a second thought or hidden agenda. Some might call it uncalculated risk to wait for "Mr.I'mAllYou'veEverWanted", others might say I risk being alone for life, but I am willing to risk it all at "the chance" to have it! I call it blind faith. Some of you might say I'm expecting too much, I say I expect exactly what I am ready and willing to give and nothing more. I still have blind faith; I want love, not convenience. I want him to matter and I want to matter to him. So it will be anything but simple, but if you work for it, you'll cherish it more. I want it to be unlike anything ever... it must be real. Most people can't handle the truth about what is really in their significant others mind, but be it ugly or pretty if you want real...appreciate it for what it is. 

I have matured enough to know the gift I want may not be packaged as i thought, but still in all "it's the gift I want", so come hale, snow, fire or flood I will sacrifice to have it. If there is one person like me, there has to be another. Don’t you think? Well I know there is. Anything else, to me at least... is unsuitable to date! OMG It's almost 2am, forgive me if I had a gibberish episode with multiple type-o's I'm sure! lol night night ;p)


Self proclaimed writer

I'm a self proclaimed writer. Not a craftsman.I'm better at breaking things then I ever will be at fixing them (so what buy a new one. lol). I can't put together furniture (heck, i have a hard time moving it from one side of the room to the next lol), but I can put together one hell of a blog (if desired). I can't (ok, won't) change the oil in a car, but damn am I good at writing for people. 

I am an under-average athlete but I can create sentences out of words that reach people and make them think and I hardly break a sweat doing it. There are a lot of things I'm not good at. I could spend my life trying to be better at them. I'd probably end up a little better than mediocre. I'll never be able to reverse driving directions in my head. I'll never be able to make it to work 52 weeks in a row without getting lost a few times. I have a strong feeling world peace is out of my control. There are so many things I will never do. There are so many things I will never be able to do. Who cares? It doesn't bother me that I'm not the best at whatever it is others expect me to be perfect at. It doesn't bother me that others can do things I have to but my butt trying to pull together. I do what I do and they do what they do, It is what it is and that's all that is will ever be.

This is what I want to do. I want to put words down that people get. That resonate. That make people think twice or three times or four times or five. I want to reach people with words that develop their thoughts. I want to make people laugh. It's hard to make people laugh on paper. Physical comedy is easy for me. Translating that humor and those experiences into the written word is my struggle.So while all of you are out there perfecting your craft, I will be here perfecting mine. All without breaking a sweat or using a blueprint or any input from anyone trying to perfect their view though my gift.


I will now attempt to write a post in which I discuss something that makes me feel less than sane without leaving you with the impression that I am not less than sane. Already on shaky ground, aren't I?

I rarely have really good conversations with anyone. By "really good" I don't mean smart or funny or whatever. I mean conversations in which I feel like I am completely immersed and they are as well.

Amazingly in my lifetime I have shared this type of connection, but with only two people; one has now gone on into a new journey in life, while the other has simply become "distracted". I can't blame them, that's life... right?


What do I mean?

I hear everything you're saying; you hear everything I'm saying. No distractions from the second track of thought running along in parallel; the track of doubt that — in addition to pulling my attention away — is populated by what I'm really thinking, including all the things I want to say but won't or want to ask but won't. And no distractions from wondering what's playing on your second track (the back of your mind).

I don't have those conversations. Anymore.

I don't hear everything that's being said because I can't hear over this loud silence that has slowly been surrounding me. And because I don't have anyone's undivided attention, I don't say everything I want to say. Ever.

Why should I?... No one is truly listening. Why bother pouring out my most inner thoughts and feelings into the "air". This has slowly become my reality, And it's making me lonely.

It makes me question if it is I that have become less interesting, or others that have become blind to all I truly have to offer.

Either way, It sucks!


The more you put out the more you get back, right? Really though…giving freely and sharing positive energy with the world is what truly makes a great person. It’s not the bank account or the car or the list of achievements. Yes, these are things we commonly use to measure a person, but at the end of the day, we are nothing but our soul. The stuff, the accolades are no more. When you give and contribute you nourish your soul. We all know that warm, fuzzy feeling of doing good. I’ve questioned: Do people ever do good selfishly just to get that warm feeling and, if so, is that ok? I say yes. We eat good food and exercise so that we are physically healthier. Some go to church, temple, or have some belief system to nurture themselves spiritually. Giving of yourself and doing good so that you become a more whole person AND are helping something else in the process is a double win. Now, I realize I am on a complete tangent I didn’t intend to go on…so long story short: Give and love. Give and love freely. Give and love without expectation. Give and love without regret or question. Only by cultivating in yourself a whole, peaceful and loving person will you ever really be great.


Silence Within

Today I subbed my face into a pillow and cried and cried and cried and cried and the only way I could get myself to stop was to scream into my pillow, so that I could finish purging myself of the load I had within. 

I can't allow myself to feel that again. I must get back to that safe place I was once in.I remember, expecting nothing and when I got nothing, I was fine with it. That place within me that was numb and content. I have got to get a grip. I have got to lock myself away. Being alone with my thoughts will help to defuse, organize priorities and maintain a healthy balance. I want to be numb again. My emotions have meant nothing. I'm going to search for that numb feeling and hold it tight. It cant be that far from here. Feeling what I truly feel have proven to be meaningless. Being passionate and sensitive are like being invisible (very lonely).

So, Enough! I need time to hear the silence within my own soul.


Always Remember

“A woman, no matter how many times she denies it, will always remember every detail, every moment, every piece of the memories you’ve left her.” - Unknown

We got good memories together. There are things I hold close to my heart, and know I’ll cherish always, because they were times spent with you. In loving you, I have also had tears. But that’s okay, because I had laughs, I had you and I had love like I have never experienced it before.

Maybe we weren’t meant to be together forever. Maybe, just maybe... we are. Imagine one day looking into each-others eyes realizing we finally found "home". Or we'll realize it was never meant to be after all. Either way, I thank God daily that he put you in my life, and gave you favor with my heart. You truly wont ever know how important you are to me and how much of my heart is now yours. It would take twice my lifetime to show you. 

The day might come, when this wonderful love will crush me to tears. But don't remember me that way. Think of my voice, my touch, my scent and love... think of my heart and how it will always long to be by your side. Now close your eyes and smile...



” And I need someone now. I never needed anyone, but now I need someone. Yet, I’m alone. I’m more alone then I ever been. Because, there’s more people now. More people who supposedly love me but don’t. More people who say they care but they never show they do.  But, God, how I wish I had just one person. I would give anything to have someone love me. Someone who will hold me and let me cry. I don’t have that. I never really had. It’s getting so hard to keep going. I wonder if there’s anyone who really does care. If there’s anyone who I can talk to when I need to. But, it’s just impossible. No ones there for me. And now, after all these years of being alone … I don’t even really want them there.” 
- Jacqueline Kelly

You steal a part of me

I’m not supposed to want you
I’m not supposed to care,
And yet I spend my time dreaming
Of all that we could share

I’m not supposed to think about you
Or wonder where you’ve been
But no matter how I fight it
But my fight was meaningless
Because thoughts of you sneak in

I’m not supposed to crave
the feeling of holding you at night
But you creep into my vision
As stars dance away the night

I’m not supposed to yearn so
Always wishing you were here
But I hunger for your kisses
And I long to draw you near.

I’m not supposed to imagine
Where you are and what you do.
I know I shouldn’t cater
To a single thought of you
And as you walk away
You steal a part of me
A part I will never own again

I’m not supposed to want  you
in my life as my all
I should have known better
You will never love me
And if you do
I might never fully know
Yet I can’t help myself,
I lost all control in this
Because I'm fell in love with you.