
Risk it all in the name of Success!

All the population of Earth may be divided into two categories: people who love various experiments and changes and those who don’t like to change anything in their life.

Even the smallest moments build your whole life. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your inner, even the smallest, desires and strive to realize them as often as possible. By doing this you are preparing yourself for big and important changes, undertakings and projects. By realizing your desires, you fill yourself with spiritual satisfaction, joy and optimism.

Try to get more, and then you’ll achieve what you want. Don’t underestimate your abilities, because in this life it’s better to overestimate them, rather than vice versa. Especially when it’s just trying. Because high self-esteem gives strength, confidence and willingness to act.

It is better to try and make sure that this or that doesn’t work and relax rather than later regret the missed opportunity. You should have a good opinion of your own skills because the positive assessment will push you to acquiring new knowledge and making new attempts to succeed. The fear of anything new is normal. It’s like a child’s fear of the dark room. You must enter and turn on the lights and make sure that nobody and nothing is wrong there. For example, if you want to write poems, write them, and take them to the editor of some magazine. And don’t be afraid! If they like it they’ll print it, if not, no problem. Try again.

Just try and don’t be afraid

Fear is only at the beginning. Napoleon once said: The main thing is to get involved in a fight, and then we’ll see.It’s difficult only to start and then everything will be OK!

Don’t listen to bad advisers. Your friends assure you that you have excess weight? And they advise you different diets and wearing special nasty clothes. Throw out those clothes and you’ll immediately feel your attractiveness. Such advice can completely discourage you and you’ll be afraid of any kinds of experiments. After all, everyone in the world has their own standards of beauty.

Develop your self-confidence and don’t be afraid to want too much.
Don’t miss a chance! In order to succeed, you should think over, prepare everything in advance and you shouldn’t miss a moment. Do not let anyone or anything knock you out of the saddle. Being on a horse is a much more pleasant thing. Stay away from everything negative, do not hesitate and do not retreat.
Be sure to get a result whatever it is, because a negative result is also the result of the action. If you suffered a failure don’t stop, find out what went wrong, what is the reason of that failure. Find it and avoid it on your next trip up hill.

Go ahead and try, change the world around and change yourself, be active and energetic, then you will never have a reason to regret the lost chance, to be sorry of what you could have made a difference in, but you didn’t.

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