You went to school and studied a particular trade to earn a living
or to actualise a personal or family dream. You have recently been laid
off and you are finding it difficult to get employed. Being laid off or
losing your job does not always need to be bad news. This could herald
new beginnings for you if you let it. A job in reality is a means to and
end and should never define you.
At this time, you
may need to really look at your life and identify things about you that
will help you in your next chapter of life. A farmer plants the seed
expecting a harvest. Before a harvest the farmer must prune and get rid
of the weed on the farm that may interfere with the harvest. Start
thinking like a farmer and ask yourself what kind of a farmer you are
Conducting a personal Inventory
Identify your personal character strengths which may include ability to
listen well, analytical, sympathetic, compassionate, communcation
skills, among others. Be honest, this is you being true to yourself not a
woo to a prospective employer.
2) Identify your
natural abilities and traits emphasizing what you feel you were born
with or have exhibited throughout your life.
3) List
your educational or training experiences that have resulted in skills or
information pertinent to the goals you are setting for yourself
4) Identify experiences that closely mirror the challenges represented by your new goal or vision
Name individuals who may be helpful to you as you attempt to reach your
goal. We all need help to get to where we are going and this is the
time to reach out to those who have made it where it is you want to go.
a personal inventory will help you know what “rocks” in your life need
to be pulled out as they maybe blocking your growth. To cultivate land a
farmer needs to clear the field which may include cutting down certain
trees down. Decide for yourself what needs to be cleared in your life
and what “trees” need to be felled.
Great achievers of our world choose three courses of action;
They find out what career is most rewarding and interesting to pursue
in order to use their full potential. Do not go for a job just because
of the money. Aim to actualise yourself through your work.
They sometimes find it necessary to go through several job changes and
in the process test and discover new talents. Few people know who they
are or what their purpose in life is. Testing different fields may
sometimes be the only way to find yourself.
c) They
use their jobs to develop their talents and potential. Aim to grow and
develop areas in you that need developing or growth.
succeed in your Endeavour, engage in activities that will help you
recognize your individual talents, abilities and opportunities for
success. Associate with people who will encourage you toward and then
applaud your accomplishments. No matter what you do or what position you
occupy, give it your best effort because you are worth your best
Remind yourself and believe that you can
overcome the problem standing in your way of success because you can
make a difference. Your healthy self esteem is vital to your ability to
dream of success. Learn therefore to love yourself because in loving
yourself you learn to love and give value to others.
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