
Finding Nemo

Staring blankly at the ocean, knowing that there’s so many “fishes” out there but yet you can’t find one made just for you. You think you’ll never find someone, you think you’re going to be forever alone. No, You’re not.

The ocean might be big, but hey, do waves come to shore easily or all the time? No, it doesn't. It takes a few waves to get to shore. Love doesn’t come straight up to anyone. You have to give it time. You don’t need to rush anything. If something is bound to happen, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person and for the best reason. When it comes, you’ll know it not just because of who they will be to you, but also because of who you are to them.

As for now, just enjoy your life and the people around you. 
Be happy with what you have, and believe that better things come to those who wait. With waiting, you have more time to prepare yourself for a relationship, learn more about love, and find out who truly cares for you and who’s just going to use you, mislead you and break your heart. You’ll have more time to allow the perfect one destined for you, find you. let Love come and seek you. It will, maybe not now or in a year, or 2 years but one day it will come. And when it does, you will know why it took so long or why it never worked with anyone else. Why no one else saw that real, unconditional, passionate love lived in you... Trust that it will even be better than what you thought you wanted cause what God wants for you, is much better then you can imagine. Just be patient.

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